Sustainability at Bodegas Lodeiros

The journey back to nature

Wine from Bodegas Lodeiros

Our “Camiño Natural” project is a corporate social responsibility initiative aimed at achieving responsible and environmentally respectful consumption through two main areas: our environmental commitment and sustainable production.

Wine from Bodegas Lodeiros
Environmental commitment to Galicia

Environmental commitment to Galicia

Environmental commitment to Galicia

We are committed to responsible and environmentally respectful consumption. That’s why we dedicate 3% of our profits to ecological projects developed in collaboration with various Galician environmental organizations.

Do you have an idea or project that could help protect the natural environment?

Bodegas Lodeiros, sustainable production

Sustainable wine production

We aim for our production to be as environmentally respectful as possible. That’s why we invest in eco-friendly and sustainable materials.

We have eliminated plastics from our vermouth bottles, and their labels are made from apple waste. Additionally, we use the most eco-friendly bottle with the lowest carbon footprint on the market.

With all these actions, we move daily toward a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment.

Sustainable wine production

Back to nature with Bodegas Lodeiros

Environmental commitment of Bodegas Lodeiros

Since we started working on “Camiño Natural”, we have established different collaborations with environmental organizations and associations. Our goal is for part of the profits we generate to be reinvested in the environment that supports our activities. Here are the projects we are working on:

Among the initiatives of our Camiño Natural project, you will find our collaboration with the village of Vilar, which was affected by the largest wildfires in Galicia. We are raising funds to replant trees and restore its forests.

And the reforestation of the Eira da Xoana forest in Agolada, Pontevedra, to conserve the Yew tree species, which is at risk of extinction. With this, we advocate for a respectful and mindful way of life.

#CamiñoNatural: A journey back to nature with Bodegas Lodeiros